Response Essays

“Politics and the English Language”

Overall George Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language” was very helpful in many ways. I felt as if the topic he was writing about is timeless, allowing his essay to be applicable to any year even after the 1900. He makes many great points on how to “avoid ugliness” which I can see myself using till this day. He made a timeless essay that can be used all throughout history as a guideline for our writing. He proved his own point of writing specificity throughout his essay. The breakdown he made for each wrong doings one can make on a piece of writing really helps the reader further understand his point of misused language. I also found interesting his point of view on how politics and the economy has a link to the unclear/ un trustworthy english language. The way he explains that these two things are somewhat to blame for the misuse of the English language is very different considering I’ve never heard of any link between the two before but the six rules he presented to avoid any misuse of the language really helps me the reader understand where he is coming from. These six rules would really help our own writing today if they were taught to children from an early age. After reading this essay I felt as if viewing the English language and it’s defaults from another person’s perspective really allows me to see the mistakes in my writing while also learning how to avoid them for next time.

“Data Visualizations”

We were asked to read this article in order for us to have an understanding of how to get to the main point without wasting any time on useless information. It also shows us the importance of visuals and graphs to an audience.

“Stop Raising Awareness Already”

In the article “Stop Raising Awareness Already” is very interesting in the sense that it shows a different perspective on public awareness campaigns. The author makes sure to clarify the wrong doings/ fails of the public campaigns which is essentially a new topic for me considering I never saw them as anything other than helpful. I don’t necessarily agree with most of the statements made but it’s an interesting approach to a topic as sensitive as public health expressions. What I found to be most appealing is the way the author described the many different ways in order to target an audience which I felt really helps us the readers adjust our own campaign to fit our audience. It states the different effective ways one can get their point across to any type of audience which is very helpful for people trying to make their campaign nothing but the best. I feel like this article is going to help us tremendously while we are building our own public awareness campaigns.